Research Fellows

MAISRC is proud to have a robust team of researchers coming from a broad range of backgrounds, academic and governmental organizations. Interested in joining our team? Learn more about becoming a MAISRC Researcher

Name Areas of Interest Email
Przemek Bajer
Research Assistant Professor

Common carp

[email protected]
Scott Ballantyne

Zebra mussels

Genetic biocontrol

[email protected]
Valerie Brady
Senior Research Program Manager

Spiny water fleas

[email protected]
Donn Branstrator

Spiny water fleas

[email protected]
Ami Choi
Post-Doctoral Associate
[email protected]
John Downing
Director, Minnesota Sea Grant

Lake management and restoration, common carp

[email protected]
Mikael Elias
Associate Professor

Zebra mussels

[email protected]
John Fieberg
Associate Professor

AIS surveillance

[email protected]
David Fulton
[email protected]
Daryl Gohl
Assistant Research Professor
[email protected]
Gretchen Hansen
Assistant Professor

Zebra mussels

Spiny water fleas

AIS management

[email protected]
Peter Hundt
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Common carp

[email protected]
Amy Kinsley
Assistant Professor

AIS surveillance 

[email protected]
Jessica Kozarek
Research Associate

Zebra mussels

[email protected]
Dan Larkin
Associate Professor, Extension Specialist

Curlyleaf pondweed

Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoil


Starry stonewort

[email protected]
Lucia Levers
Research Associate

AIS management 

Common carp

[email protected]
Allen Mensinger

Common carp

[email protected]
Loren Miller
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fisheries Research Scientist

Bighead carp


[email protected]
Ben Minerich
Freshwater Mussel Conservation Specialist

Zebra mussels

Ranjan Muthukrishnan
Invasive Species Ecologist Fellow

Starry stonewort

[email protected]
Ray Newman

Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoil

Curlyleaf pondweed

Starry stonewort

[email protected]
Nicholas Phelps
Associate Professor, MAISRC DIrector


[email protected]
Amit Pradhananga
Research Associate

AIS management

[email protected]
Heidi Rantala
Water Quality and Limnology Consultant

Zebra mussels

[email protected]
Ingrid Schneider

Human dimensions of natural resource management, policy, and recreation management.

[email protected]
Amy Schrank
Assistant Extension Professor


[email protected]
Michael Smanski
Assistant Professor

Genetic biocontrol

[email protected]
Cory Suski

Bighead carp

[email protected]
Shyam Thomas
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

AIS management

[email protected]
Ryan Thum
Associate Professor

Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoil

Curlyleaf pondweed

Starry stonewort

[email protected]
Isaiah Tolo
Research Fellow


Diane Waller
Research Fishery Biologist

Zebra mussels

[email protected]
James J Wamboldt
Research Fellow

AIS control

[email protected]

Past MAISRC Fellows

Dave Andow • Chanlan Chun • Siba Das • Luis Escobar • John Fieberg • Jake Ferguson • Sue Galatowitsch • Vinnie Hirt • Katya Kovalenko • Sophie Mallez • Maciej Maselko • Prince Mathai • Mike McCartney • Alex Primus • Mike Sadowsky • Peter Sorensen • Paul Venturelli • Jake Walsh