Reserve the Lab

Reserve Space in the Lab

  • The MAISRC Containment Lab is available to all University researchers, but priority is given to researchers who have projects with MAISRC. 
  • Please use our online reservation system for all space except plant growth chambers. Note: this system is managed by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Click on "MAES ISO" to enter the portal, then on "AIS Research Lab" from the left menu, and then on "New AIS Research Lab Request."
  • Please contact MAISRC Associate Director, Cori Mattke if you have questions about using the lab.

Reserve a Plant Growth Chamber

  • The plant growth chamber reservation system is managed separately from the rest of the lab, but still through the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station portal. Click on "MAES ISO" to enter the portal and then on. "Growth Chamber" from the left menu.


Space in the MAISRC Containment Lab is rented by calendar month, using the daily rates listed below.

Fish bays: $23.31/day
Bench space: $7.17/day
BSL-2 space: $31.65/day
When planning for a multiyear project, please account for a 3% annual increase in rates beginning on July 1 of each year. 

Rental Spaces

Map of lab rental spaces

Management and Operating Procedures

The MAISRC Containment Lab is governed by the Management and Operating Procedures. In general, the lab is guided by two main principles:

  1. The MAISRC Containment Laboratory should be used for aquatic invasive species research and available to all MAISRC-affiliated researchers.
  2. The MAISRC Containment Laboratory is a collaborative multi-user space and all ongoing research activities, equipment, and personnel should be respected.


Emergency Response and Maintenance Information