In partnership with the Minnesota DNR Invasive Species program, MAISRC provided a description of the Pilot Project Program and the application process to obtain a permit for treating newly infested lakes, available online.
Along with this, we have authored two sets of monitoring protocols. The first set is known as “baseline protocols,” and these are used to gather information in order to prepare a permit application. Baseline protocols are available online. We have also completed the final working draft of the post-treatment protocols. These are not available online, but can be obtained from the Invasive Species Specialist in the region in which a lake that is a candidate for treatment is located. Lakeshore residents and other citizens interested in initiating a treatment attempt start the process by contacting their Invasive Species Specialist, who will work with them to help facilitate the work that must be done to fulfill the post-treatment monitoring requirements set by permit. Post-treatment monitoring must be done for 3 years.
At the conclusion of this project, a need for post-treatment monitoring protocols in the design of surveys for adult mussels both within and outside the treatment area was identified. This is being addressed by another MAISRC project, cost-effective monitoring of lakes newly infested with zebra mussels.