From the Lab to the Lake: Celebrating 10 Years of AIS Research in Minnesota

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The staff and researchers at the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) are excited to celebrate with you for our special 10th anniversary celebration on Thursday, December 7, 2023.

Event Details:
Date: December 7th, 2023
McNamara Alumni Center
200 SE Oak St
Minneapolis, MN 55455


  • 5:00 - Cocktails, interactive research exhibits 
  • 6:30 - Dinner service begins 
  • 6:40 - Program 
  • 7:15 - Social hour

Special Research Stations:
During the cocktail hour, you'll have the opportunity to interact with researchers at special interactive stations. These esteemed scientists and their teams will provide hands-on demonstrations:

  • Sharing the challenges and progress towards engineering genetic biocontrol agents to target invasive carp populations with Mike Smanski and team.

  • Showcasing a new coating formulation uses special enzymes that can inhibit biofilm production, making it harder for zebra mussels to attach, with Diane Waller, Mikael Elias, and team.

  • Four milfoil plants on display. Guess which plants are northern, Eurasian, or hybrid watermilfoil and win a prize! Participants can also try a newly developed computer app that maps the presence of genetically ID'd milfoil taxa and strains/genotypes in lakes across Minnesota and northern USA, with Ray Newman and team.

  • AIS Explorer is an interactive web-based decision-support tool that allows end-users to interact with a variety of models developed by MAISRC researchers. Come engage with this one-of-a-kind tool and complete the challenges to win some MAISRC swag! Presented by Amy Kinsley and team.

Connect with researchers and luminaries across Minnesota in the field of aquatic invasive species (AIS), play and learn with interactive exhibits (live fish!), celebrate our collective accomplishments, and hear what's in store for the future of MAISRC! Your ticket includes a cocktail hour, plated dinner, and MAISRC swag. Stick around after dinner to chat with researchers, faculty, and guests! Special guests include CFANS Dean Brian Buhrand former Minnesota Commissioner of Natural Resources Tom Landwehr!